Urban GreenUP is an EU-funded project that aims to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve air quality and water management in Liverpool through the provision of green and blue spaces.

Alongside the environmental ‘services’ they offer, green and blue spaces have also been shown to provide socio-economic benefits e.g. increasing property prices and lowering the intensity of mental health problems.

URBAN GreenUP are looking for participants to take part in their survey which seeks to understand how local businesses in the city centre value existing green/blue spaces and examine whether they believe that increased green/blue space will have a positive impact on revenues and future prospects.

Your participation will help URBAN GreenUP better understand the effect of our current project, ultimately supporting improvements in the quality of the urban environment in Liverpool. It will also be used to make recommendations to the City Council about how they can engage people in urban greening projects, and where they might focus their greening efforts into the future

The results of the study will be published in reports to the European Commission, who are funding the research. Because this research is publicly funded, these reports are published online and freely available. The results may also be published in one or more journal articles.

Pre-testing of the survey suggests takes approximately 15 minutes. You may take more or less time, depending on how much you write.

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